How ART changed my life!
A short story about my journey
How Art Changed Me….
I’m a talker so I will be brief, but I wanted to share with you how art changed my life. You see I’m a girl who always loved crafty things and had tried and fiddled’ with just about everything you can think of. I grew up with artists among me from a mom who could do anything and I never saw her struggle or need to practice to a brother who can play any musical instrument he tries. Then there I was, where everything seemed so hard! So I retreated and was had self talk of not having any talent. Well except for talking and I’ve always had that one covered LOL!
So fast forward to adulthood and working in corporate America, and yes I still work full time. I was highly stressed and a workaholic and I had a leader who said you need to find a outlet, like WHAT? He said well I like to run in the mornings ( just who does he think I am, I ain’t running unless someone is chasing me so this wasn’t an option) back to the story Tiff. Ok so long story short I set out to make “stuff” again, ended up finding a love for working with glass (specifically lampworking using a torch and glass sticks to form beads for jewelry) The downfall to that is I live where it is HOT 75% of the year and a torch is REALLY Hot LOL! So we fast forwarding once again, Josh (that’s my super supportive husband) and I went on a vacation to Gatlinburg and in the flea market (which is another love of mine) I found a book where a lady used her Art Journal to inspire her jewelry, WHAT!! I had never in my life heard the word Art Journaling, I was intrigued and well to say the least the rest is history. I have learned to channel life’s challenges into painty messes and to be 100% transparent, I am flabbergasted people want to learn from me. I am humbled to be able to share my journey with all of you!!
So I hope you enjoy my little slice of the big web and come often to get a little messy inspiration. I am now teaching and sharing my love of art, along with bringing other artist to the teaching world and creating a space for you to explore and be BOLD!
Toodaloo- Tiff the Southern Gal